Our dear, sweet...

Emma Rose Johnson
Born: June 22, 2009
Time: 12:10 a.m.
Weight: 9 lbs 9.6 oz
Length: 20 inches

Emma Rose Johnson
Born: June 22, 2009
Time: 12:10 a.m.
Weight: 9 lbs 9.6 oz
Length: 20 inches
(picture taken on day of birth at Mt. View Hospital)
More to come soon!!
More to come soon!!
Yay! Thanks so much for finding me! What a cute cute baby. And I know she has one of the best moms around! You're wonderful! :) I'm excited I can keep up to date with you in this way!
Yay!! I'm so glad to see a picture of her; she's beautiful. I hope you're doing great and getting plenty of sleep! :)
What a cutie!! Hope you're both doing wonderfully!
Holly, she's just beautiful! Congratulations!!! Enjoy her and I hope you are feeling great soon.
She's so precious! I'm so glad you posted a picture of her. I can't wait to see more. Wow! I thought Nolan was big at 9lb 7oz. Your little one beat him. I hope everything is going great! Congrats Holly and Stephen!
I've been checking your blog religiously waiting for this! She's so cute!!! And look at all that hair :) I'm so happy for you both. I need to call you; we have lots to catch up on. Or maybe you should call me since I don't want to intrude on nap time or feeding time or diaper-changing time or...well, you get the picture!
oh my goodness gracious. Holly and Stephen-she is gorgeous. Even right after she was born. I am so happy to see her. She was big-almost Davin size. I know your pain Holly. You will never look at a 7 lb baby the same again. I hold my sisters baby and think-hmmm Davin was never this size. Not even close to this size.
Well, good job and hope to see her and you both in person someday soon!
Hooray! What a perfect little baby! Emma is one of my favorite names. Congratulations.
So cute! congratulations
Sweet little Emma...we love you! and Hooray for blog updates!
She is a little doll!
Congratulations :) I hope all is well.
What an adorable baby girl! I love the name Emma Rose. How beautiful! And look at all her hair! Wow!!! Congrats! I hope you are recovering well and that you are enjoying motherhood!
She is beautiful! I love her hair. I was able to see your mom at Brians wedding last night, it has been so long since I have seen your family. I miss you and all the long fun talks we used to have:)! I hope your doing good, I heard delivery was hard, sorry. I hope I get to meet your sweet litlle girl sometime. When do you come home next? I am so happy for your cute little family, congrats!
What a pretty baby! Hope you are doing well. We've been thinking of you lots!
Glad to hear from you on your blog! Glad you are alive and well. Can't wait to hear more. :)Your baby is so precious!
She is so adorable!! Congrats!! We are so happy for you!
Congratualtion Holly and Stephen! This is Emily Lunt(Dobson now) I found your blog from Courtney Overstreet. Your baby girl is beautiful! We had a baby girl that is now 7 months and her middle name is Rose too. I love all her hair! Congratualtions!
What a beautiful little girl! I'm so excited for you. I just barely found the little paper I wrote your blog address on, but I'm so happy I at least found it. YOu look like such a cute little family. I hope you are all feeling well and as happy as ever.
P.S. This is Anni Plumb, your old Wymount neighbor in case you've forgotten. : )
I dont know if you remember from High School, I found your blog of Courtneys, such a cute baby, congrats!
Do we get to see more pictures of her (and you two!) soon?? :)
Come back! I want to see pictures of your family :)
Oh my goodness she is BEAUTIFUL! Do you even remember me? I just happened to find your blog :) I hope you guys are doing well!
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